略歴 Biography
- 1911
- 高知県須崎市に生まれる
- 1933
- 高知県師範学校(現・高知大学)専攻科卒業後、高知、東京、神戸で教員を務める
- 1949
- 国画会展に出品(-1958)、吉原治良に師事
- 1954
- 具体美術協会結成に参加
- 1955
- 第1回から21回具体美術展(1968)具体主催の全展覧会に出品
- 1995
- 死去
- 1911
- Born in Suzaki city, Kochi Prefecture
- 1933
- Graduates at Kochi Prefecture teacher-training school (present Kochi University), advanced course, after serves as the teacher of art in Kochi, Tokyo and Kobe
- 1949
- Meets with Jiro Yoshihara who published The Gutai in 1954
- 1995
- Died in 84 years old

展覧会 Exhibition
- 1949
- 国画会展に出品(-1958)、吉原治良に師事
- 1954
- 具体美術協会結成に参加
- 1955
- 第1 回̶第21 回具体美術展(1968)、この他具体主催の全展覧会に出品
- 1958
- 「新しい絵画世界展 アンフォルメルと具体」(高島屋、大阪)
- 1959
- 「タピエの推す現代日本15 人展」(現代画廊、東京)
- 1960
- 「国際スカイフェスティバル」(高島屋屋上、大阪)
- 1961
- 「日本の伝統と前衛」(国際美学センター、トリノ)
- 1964
- 「現代美術の動向 絵画と彫塑」(国立近代美術館京都分館)
- 1965
- 個展(グタイピナコテカ、大阪)
- 「グループ具体」(スタドラー画廊、パリ)
- 1966
- ローザンヌ国際画商展(カントナール美術館、ローザンヌ)
- 1976
- 「具体美術の18 年」(大阪府民ギャラリー)
- 1979
- 「吉原治良と具体のその後」(兵庫県立近代美術館、神戸)
- 1981
- 個展(東門画廊、神戸)
- 1984
- 個展(画廊アデッソ、芦屋)
- 1985
- 個展(トアロード画廊、神戸)
- 「山村コレクション研究会」(国立国際美術館、吹田、大阪)
- 「吉原治良と「具体」1954-1972」(芦屋市民センター)
- 「絵画の嵐・1950 年代」(国立国際美術館、吹田、大阪)
- 1985-86
- 「具体-行為と絵画」(スペイン国立現代美術館、マドリッド/ユーゴスラビア国立近代美術館、ベオグラード/兵庫県立近代美術館、神戸)
- 1988
- 個展(アトリエ西宮、西宮)
- 1989
- 「幻の山村コレクション展」(兵庫県立近代美術館、神戸)
- 1990
- 「〈具体〉未完の前衛集団-兵庫県立近代美術館所蔵作品を中心に-」(渋谷区立松濤美術館、東京)
- 「前衛の日本-1950 年代の具体」(ローマ国立近代美術館)
- 1991
- 「具体」日本の前衛 1954-1965」(マチルデンヘーエ美術館、ダルムシュタット)
- 「絵画の冒険者たち「具体」展」(福岡市美術館)
- 1992
- 「具体美術協会の作家たち」(宮城県美術館、仙台)
- 「具体展Ⅰ 1954-1958」(芦屋市立美術博物館)
- 「甦る野外展」(芦屋公園)
- 1993
- 「具体点Ⅱ 1959-1965」(芦屋市立美術博物館)
- 「具体展Ⅲ 1965-1972」(芦屋市立美術博物館)
- 「ark of ART 美術の方舟」(高知県立美術館)
- 1994
- 個展(LADS ギャラリー、大阪)
- 1995
- 死去 享年84 歳
- 1996
- 「戦後美術の断面 兵庫県立近代美術館所蔵・山村コレクションから」(千葉市美術館)
- 1999
- 「具体」(ジュ・ド・ポム国立ギャラリー、パリ)
- 2001
- 「大阪市立近代美術館(仮称)コレクション展2001 美術パノラマ・大阪」(ATC ミュージアム、大阪)
- 2004
- 「呼応する精神 ギブソン・ギャラリー収蔵品で見る1960 年代の日本現代美術」(ニューヨーク州立ポツダム校ギブソン・ギャラリー)
- 「具体」回顧展(兵庫県立美術館、神戸)
- 2008
- 「日本の美術:近代から現代へ-兵庫のコレクション-」(オスカー・ニーマイヤー美術館、クリチバ)
- 2009
- 個展(HAZ、芦屋)
- 2010
- ギャラリーヤマグチクンストバウ、大阪
- クンストバウ|東京、東京
- 2015
- 没後20年 具体の画家ー正延正俊、西宮市大谷記念美術館、兵庫
- 没後20年 具体の画家ー正延正俊、高知県立美術館、高知
国立国際美術館、大阪 京都国立近代美術館 兵庫県立美術館 芦屋市立美術博物館 北九州市立美術館 高知県立美術館 宮城県美術館 大阪市立近代美術館(仮称)建設準備室
USA & Europe
ニューヨーク州立ポツダム校ギブソン・ギャラリー トゥルーズ=エ=ミディ=ピレネ近現代美術館
- 2010
- Gallery Yamaguchi kunst-bau, Osaka
- kunst-bau|tokyo, Tokyo More Details
- 1949-58
- Exhibits at Kokugakai (art association) every years
- 1954
- Attends on the establishment of the Gutai Art Association (December)
- 1955-72
- Exhibit at every Gutai Exhibitions
- 1955
- 7th Yomiuri Indepentdent, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum (March)
- Experimental Outdoor Exhibition of Modern Art to Challenge the Midsummer Sun, Ashiya Park, Ashiya (July 25-August 5)
- 1st Gutai Art Exhibition, Ohara Kaikan Hall, Tokyo (October 19-28)
- Gutai Small Works, Sanseido Gallery, Tokyo
- 1956
- Outdoor Gutai Art Exhibiition, Ashiya Park, Ashiya (July 27-August 5)
- 2nd Gutai Art Exhibition, Ohara Kaikan Hall, Tokyo (October 11-17)
- 1957
- 3rd Gutai Art Exhibition, Kyoto Muncipal Museum of Art, Kyoto (April 3-10)
- Outdoor Gutai Art Exhibiition, Ashiya Park, Ashiya (July 27-August 5)
- September 13, Michel Tapie sees his painting in the studio of Jiro Yoshihara
- 4th Gutai Art Exhibition, Ohara Kaikan Hall, Tokyo (October 8-10)
- 1958
- International Art of A New Era-Art Informel and Gutai, Takashimaya Department Store
- Osaka (April 12-20) Travels to Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Tokyo and Kyoto
- 4th Gutai Art Exhibition, Ohara Kaikan Hall, Tokyo (October 8-10)
- 5th Gutai Exhibition, Ohara Kaikan Hall, Tokyo (April 30-May 2)
- 6th Gutai Exhibition, Martha Jackson Gallery, New York (September 25-October 25)
- Travels to Bennington, Vermont, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Oakland, California and Houston, Texas
- 1959
- Arte Nova, Circolo degli Artisti, Palazzo Generi, Turin, Italy (May 5-June 15)
- 7th Gutai Art Exhibition, Galleria Arti Figerativi, Turin, Italy (June)
- 8th Gutai Art Exhibiton, Kyoto Municipal Museum, Kyoto (August 25-30)
- 15 Contemporary Artists selected by Tapie, Gendai Gallery, Tokyo (September 21-30)
- 1960
- 9th Gutai Art Exhibition, Takashimaya Department Store, Osaka (April 19-24) The exhibition is a special design presentation in conjunction with the International Sky Festival
- 1961
- Continuite et Avant-Garde au Japon, International Center of Aesthetic Research, Turin (March)
- 10th Gutai Art Exhibition, Takashimaya Department Store, Osaka (April 11-16) Travels to Takashimaya Department Store, Tokyo (May 2-7)
- Gutai Small Works, Nakanoshima Gallery, Osaka (May)
- 1962
- 11th Gutai Art Exhibition, Takashimaya Department Store, Osaka (April 17-22)
- 1963
- Gutai New Works, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (January)
- 12th Gutai Art Exhibition, Takashimaya Department Store, Osaka (January 29-Feburary 2)
- 13th Gutai Art Exhibition, Takashimaya Department Store, Osaka (April)
- Gutai New Works, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (September)
- 1964
- Gutai New Small Works, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (January-Feburary)
- 14th Gutai Art Exhibition, Takashimaya Department Store, Osaka (March)
- Gutai New Works, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (March-April)
- Trends in Contemporary Japanese Painting and Sculpture, National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto (July)
- Gutai New Small Works, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (December) with Aris Beyber and Paul Jenkins
- 1965
- One-man exhibition at Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (March)
- 15th Gutai Art Exhibition, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (July 1-20)
- 16th Gutai Art Exhibition, Keio Department Store, Tokyo (October)
- Gutai Small Works, Gallery Stadler, Paris (November-January 66)
- Gutai New Small Works, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (December)
- 1966
- Gutai Netherland Exhibition, International Gallery Olez, Den Haag
- Gutai Netherland Small Works, Michery Arthouse, Loenersloot, Netherland
- 2nd Lausanne International Exhibition, Muse cantonal des beaux-arts, Lausanne, Switzerland
- 17th Gutai Art Exhibition, Takashimaya, Yokohama (September) and Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (October)
- 1967
- Gutai Netherland Small Works, Rotterdam Design House, Rotterdam, Netherland (April)
- 18th Gutai Art Exhibition, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (June)
- Gutai Australia Exhibition, Wulfengasse Heide Hildebrand Gallery, Klagenfurt, Austolia (June)
- 19th Gutai Art Exhibition, Central Museum, Tokyo (October) and Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (November)
- Gutai New Small Works, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (December)
- 1968
- 20th Gutai Art Exhibition, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (July)
- 21th Gutai Art Exhibition, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (November)
- Gutai New Small Works, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (December)
- 1969
- Gutai New Small Works, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka (December)
- 1972
- Circle for Jiro Yoshihara, Fujibi Gallery, Osaka
- 1977
- 18 years of Gutai, Osaka Prefecture Citizen Gallery
- 1979
- Jiro Yoshihara and after Gutai. Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Kobe
- 1981
- One-man exhibition, East Gate Gallery, Kobe
- 1984
- One-man exhibition, Gallery Adesso, Ashiya
- 1985
- One-man exhibition, Toa Road Gallery, Kobe
- Yamamura Collection, National Museum of Art, Osaka
- Jiro Yoshihara and Gutai 1954-1972, Ashiya Civic Center (September 1-16)
- Action et Emotion, Peintures des Annees 50: Informel, Gutai, COBRA, National Museum of Art, Osaka (September 27-November 26)
- 1985-86
- Grupo Gutai: Pintura y Accion, Musei Espanol de Arte Contemporaneo, Madrid (December 21 – January 26, 1986) Travels to Musej Savremene Umetnosti, Beograd (March 27-May 4, 1986) and Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Kobe (August 30 – September 28)
- 1988
- One-man Exhibition, Atelier Nishinomiya, Nishinomiya)
- 1989
- Yamamura Collection, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Kobe
- 1990
- "Gutai" Incompleted Avan-gard Group, Shibuya Ward Shoutou Art Museum and Tokyo)
- Avant-garde Japan Gutai in the 1950's, National Museum of Modern Arts, Roma
- 1991
- Gutai: Japanische Avangarde 1954-1965, Mathildenhohe Darmstadt, Germany (March 24-May 5)
- Les Aventuriers of Painting - Gutai Exhibition, Fukuoka Art Museum
- 1992
- Artists of Gutai, Miyagi Museum of Art
- Gutai I 1954-1958, Asiya City Museum of Art and History (Jun 20 – August 2)
- 1993
- Gutai II 1959-1965, Asiya City Museum of Art and History (January 5 – February 14)
- Gutai III 1965-1972, Asiya City Museum of Art and History (June 1993)
- ark of ART, The Museum of Art, Kochi
- 1994
- One-man Exhibition, LAD Gallery, Osaka
- La Donation Anthony Denney, Toulouse, Musée d'Art Moderne, Réfectoire des Jacobins, 24 January-28 February
- 1995
- Died in 84 years old
- 1996
- Section of Postwar Art – from Yamamura Collection, Chiba City Museum of Art, Chiba
- 1997
- Turin-Paris-New York-Osaka : Tapié - Un art autre : Toulouse, Abattoirs, 22 September-23 Novembre
- 1999
- Gutai, Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris (May 4 – June 27) Travels to Italy, Barcerona, Minneapolis
- 2000
- L'oeuvre collective, exposition organisée par les Abattoirs à l'occasion de l'ouverture de l'établissement : Toulouse, Abattoirs, 24 July-15 October
- 2001
- Art Panorama, from the collection of Osaka City Museum of Modern Art, Planning Office, ATC Museum, Osaka
- 2004
- Breathed spirit – Japanese Contemporary Art from 1960's, Gibson gallery, Potsdam, New York
- Gutai Retrospective, Hyogo Prefectural Museum, Kobe
- 2007
- Gutai, Gendaikko-Museum, Miyazaki (July 7 – Setember 30)
- 2008
- Japanese Art : From Modern to Contemporaneous, The Oscar Niemeyer Museum, Curitiva. Brazil
- 2009
- One-man Exhibition, HAZ, Ashiya
- 2010
- One-man Exhibition, Gallery Yamaguchi kunst-bau, Osaka
- One-man Exhibition. kunst-bau|tokyo, Tokyo
- 2015
- MASANOBU MASATOSHI -A Gutai Painter, Otani Memorial Art Museum, Nishinomiya City
- MASANOBU MASATOSHI -A Gutai Painter, The Museum of Art, Kochi
The National Museum of Art, Osaka The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, Kobe Ashiya City Museum of Art and History, Ashiya Kita-kyushyu Municipal Museum of Art, Kita-kyushyu The Museum of Art, Kochi Miyagi Museum of Art, Sendai Osaka City Museum of Modern Art, Planning Office
USA & Europe
Gibson gallery, Potsdam, New York Musee d’art moderne de Toulouse, France
and Italy, England
作品 Work
no available works