Artist Page Takashi Suzuki 鈴木隆
鈴木隆 Takashi Suzuki – Red,Blue and Light
2014.11.08(土)- 2014.11.29(土)
限定された赤と青、この2色の関連がはらむ可能性と展開にいまだ興味は尽きません・・・。 <作家コメント>
Starting from red monochromatic expression, I added blue, and I have been working with the clear and simple contrast of red and blue in my work.
As the ways I juxtapose the two colors are extremely typical, they create an empty decorativeness and a certain superficiality.
Meanwhile the impression of equivalence and the greatest visual separation, created by the clearest contrast, invites viewers to a new awakening as well as to the emptiness, or to an amplitude between the two.
I am still very much interested in the potential the red and blue colors have and what this combination creates... <Artist Comment>